Positive Parrot & Negative Newt 

Positive Parrot & Negative Newt 

Inspire Ignite joined forces with a famous local author and a very talented illustrator to develop a series of 8 books for parents/carers to read with their children. They can be used as an aid for engaging children in conversations about their emotions and wellbeing as well as simply being enjoyed for their amazing stories. 
This pair of friendly, specially commissioned characters have been designed to help our younger students on their self-esteem journey. They make regular appearances in the books and audio CD’s and are also available as soft toy learning tools. They can make a very tactile and positive contribution to our younger learners’ development. 

School Feedback 

School Feedback 

"Our feedback is that the Inspire Ignite programme has supported the mental well being of our students.” 
"The sessions were really interactive and pitched at a level that was easy to understand, but not patronisingly basic. There was plenty of time to go over questions and misunderstandings in a meaningful way. Staff members have all reported enjoying the sessions and found them really useful.” 

Our Inspire Ignite Schools Resources Include 

Our Inspire Ignite Schools Resources Include 


The Me, Myself and I Transition Programme 

The Me, Myself and I Transition Programme; supporting learners to neutralise the impact of negative emotions such as test anxiety or transitioning to a new school. 

Emotional Intelligence - Education Programme – Years 4-5 

This programme enables pupils to build resilience and engages them in their own development of confidence, self-esteem, and a belief in their abilities. 

Transition - Education Programme – Years 6-7 

This programme supports the pupil’s knowledge of themselves and others and centres around their ability to embraces change through understanding the different types of change, positive and negative, and responses to it. 

Thriving In Education - Education Programme – Years 8-11 

This programme support’s student’s knowledge of themselves and others and centres around their ability to embraces new challenges and stresses through understanding the different types of thinking, positive and negative, and responses to it. 

Thriving In Education - Employability Skills Passport – Years 12+ 

All young people are capable of extraordinary things, given the support to develop their sense of identity. Inspire Ignite have designed this programme to nurture their interest in self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Digital Download Leaving Care Programme – Leaving Care Passport – Age 14+ 

The Inspire Ignite Leaving Care Programme supports care home staff/foster carers, parents, and managers who want to develop their own thinking and try new innovative techniques with the young people in their care who are readying themselves to leave. 

RSPH Level 2 Award for Young Health Champions 

This qualification will enable learners to provide peer support through an understanding of the individual and social drivers of healthy and unhealthy behaviours as well as signpost local health services. It will also provide knowledge of a health and wellbeing issue relevant to the learner and develop skills to deliver positive health messages. 

Education Pack – 5 Sets of Positive Parrot and Negative Newt Books 

The books include questions that support engaging in discussion about emotional wellbeing without the child having to focus on distress. 

Audio of Positive Parrot and Negative Newt Books 

A complete set of our 8 books: professionally narrated on CD or available as an audio download. 

Interested to see how we can help? Let’s have a chat! 

Interested to see how we can help? Let’s have a chat! 

For any enquiries including bespoke packages, programmes and training or to purchase our resources, please call, email or fill in our contact form.