The programme resources include:

Facilitators Guide for the complete programme

Set of 8 Positive Parrot & Negative Newt Books & Bookmark

CD / MP3 download files of Books and Mindfulness to compliment the program delivery

Both Positive Parrot & Negative Newt Soft Toys
This programme supports the pupil’s knowledge of themselves and others and centres around their ability to embraces change through understanding the different types of change, positive and negative, and responses to it. Supporting pupils to develop the ability to understand and manage feelings associated with transition.
This programme can be used with the whole class or on an individual basis by counsellors, or parents/carers. The facilitator’s guide takes the facilitator through the package giving an insight into why each activity is useful and enables the facilitator to adapt activities to meet the individual’s needs.
Each session has set guidelines to direct the facilitator through the pupil’s workbooks, using discussion, worksheets and activities to engage the pupil’s in the work of emotional vocabulary development. Mindfulness is introduced as part of these programmes.
Developing an emotional vocabulary plays a critical role in emotional skill development, within this programme the Positive Parrot and Negative Newt book series is used to enhance the learning.
The culture, ethos and environment of your school/residential care setting have a profound influence on children’s mental wellbeing. InspireIgnite can work with the whole school to promote a culture of wellbeing, or this package can be purchased as a standalone programme that is delivered by teachers/counsellors, using the facilitators guide to take the class through the programme. This programme can be used on a one to one basis if slightly adapted by the facilitator making it a programme that can be used by school/young people’s counsellors.
All children are capable of extraordinary things, given the support to develop their sense of identity. InspireIgnite’s programmes are designed to nurture children’s interest in their self-confidence and self-esteem. By developing a sense of self, the children learn about how to express themselves in a way that supports the other person to listen.
There is not a gene that provides happiness or success, all children have the potential for happiness and success and supporting them to find this within themselves is the key to unlocking their world. We all face challenges within our lives and waiting for the challenge to happen doesn’t equip us with the tools to be resilient. Instilling resilience is vital.
Our Inspire Ignite Transition Programme for Years 6 to 7 is £495. To order or to discuss further, please complete the form below or call one of our team on 01482 014144.
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For any enquiries including bespoke packages, programmes and training or to purchase our resources, please call, email or fill in our contact form.