An Illustration of Comic Book Drawn Men With The Words You Okay M8 Layed Over The Top
Children are paving the way for those of the next generation, and all others to come. Because of this, education, health and general wellbeing are all absolutely essential. Children’s happiness, in particular, does not just come from watching TV, or buying the latest toys, or even doing whatever they like, whenever they like. They instead have complex needs and requirements which are met by parents, teachers, and even their peers. So why is this different for anyone else? 
A popular organisation on Facebook and Twitter, the LAD Bible, with over a staggering 24,000,000 likes on Facebook alone, have recently partnered up with mental health organisations in order to spread the vital message of mental health awareness, and how it is a normal and everyday concept and that with a simple understanding of mental health, people can generally help one another to be happy and healthier, all under the same hashtag of #UOKM8 
The campaign aims to share stories and videos looking at different aspects of mental health such as anxiety and depression, as well as normalising them with the use of celebrities and other figureheads that are also dealing with the same situations and showing that it can happen to anyone, and overall that you are not alone. 
Social media is a powerful tool in the arsenal of the current population, and it puts a smile on our faces to see it being used for such a brilliant cause. If you or someone you know are dealing with issues like this, these messages are vital and whether you need help coping, or even just a chat, people are there for you. 
or call: 
Samaritans: 116 123
CALM: Outside London 0808 802 5858, inside London 0800 58 58 58
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