A Silver Genie Lamp
Home Working – The genie is out of the bottle! 
Each of us is adapting to life within the pandemic in a different way. I believe there are 3 character types emerging, all of which will have a bearing on how we view the world. 
1. Those trying to maintain the status quo and who want to go back to “the way it was”, particularly in business. I have to say that I don’t think we’re going back. 
People, businesses and education have seen new possibilities, particularly around homeworking. ‘The Genie is out of the Bottle’ – and the number of people thinking we can go back to the norm is shrinking. 
2. Characters who feel powerless by what’s happening – and sometimes that can be exacerbated by other physical and mental health issues. For some, this can become overwhelming. Those who feel like they should try to seek professional help, simply talking to someone you trust, can help, or find a professional who can offer support we offer a one to one talking therapy service
3. The group who are getting through by supporting others – those trying to look forward, not back. I believe these are the people trying to help those in the other two groups. 
Everyone is different, I know the way I managed my time in lock-down is not everybody’s ‘cup of tea’ but sharing what we do can help people think differently and that can help us feel different – more positive and we can then make a choice to change our behaviour to get a better outcome. Sounds simple, it is- the first step of changing how we think is the toughest and needs the most focus. This is where where Mindset and mindfulness supports a change in thinking. Inspire Ignite has a number of free downloads that can help including a mindfulness audio. Click Here to access these free downloads 
And, with full-time homeworking for some this is looking as though it will continue for some time, we need to continue thinking about how we manage this. 
Now that we are quite some time into life with coronavirus, it can seem hard to lift ourselves out of the ‘go, go, go’ mode we found ourselves in at the start of lockdown. 
It can be difficult to decide what actually needs to be done immediately and where we can take a breath. 
We all need to cut ourselves some slack sometimes and be mindful of each other. If we do that, I am sure we can all get through this together. 
Inspire Ignite provide; independent, professional time that is non-judgmental an supportive. Click Here for more information. 
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